Monday, December 9, 2013

The Internship

The Internship is a comedy staring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. After losing their jobs selling watches, they decide to try and get an internship at Google. The hiring process is apparently a summer long competition, with the winners getting a job offer. While I have no clue how the Google hiring process actually works, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the movie was fairly accurate. That being said, I don't know if I would hire somebody based off of their Quiditch skills. 

The issue with this movie isn't the plot, as much as it is the poor dialogue and acting. Owen Wilson hasn't been worth watching in years. Vince Vaughn is about the same. Neither did well with the comedy. While there are a few funny moments, they are spread out rather thinly over a movie that felt way to long. Most of the movie felt like it was dragging, and it never managed to find its' stride. I almost turned it off a few times, but after a while, something interesting would usually happen. 

I enjoyed the challenges the interns had to do, and they were pretty much the only real stand out moments of the film. Seeing them play Quiditch from the Harry Potter series for example. It was the most memorable part of the movie for me.

Josh Brener also played a big role in this movie. You may know him from those awful Samsung galaxy phone commercials. He was somehow able to be more unlikable, which frankly is an accomplishment in its own right. 

Honestly this movie has very little going for it. While it has some humor, most of it just fails to entertain. With long spans of boredom between the few worthwhile portions, it is hard to recommend this movie. For a rental, you can do much better. 

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